Animal welfare groups welcome new dog pound

ANIMAL welfare organisations throughout Meath have welcomed the official opening of a new Meath County Council dog pound at Rathmaiden, Slane, last Thursday. The opening address was delivered by Brendan McGrath, Director of Services (Environment) and the opening was performed by council Cathaoirleach Cllr Nick Killian who said that the provision of a badly-needed dog pound for the county had been one of his ambitions during his year as chairman. He was delighted, he said, that the plan had come to fruition. The pound, located on land owned by Peter and Susan Whelan at Rathmaiden, will be run by the couple on behalf of the council. It has accommodation for 20-plus animals. The council said that of the total of animals brought to the centre, 11% are put to sleep, 17% are reclaimed and 72% are re-homed. Hillary Bartley of the Last Hope for Animals voluntary organisation, who was present at the opening with members of other animal welfare organisations in the county, said that this was one of the best, if not the best performances by a dog pound in the country. She said that all of the animal welfare bodies in Meath had campaigned for and had been anxiously awaiting the establishment of the pound, not least because the burden of caring for animals in distress had fallen mainly on the shoulders of volunteers. The county dog wardens are Elaine Reynolds and Fiona O"Connor and the kennelman is Niall McGovern. Included in the attendance at the opening were members of the local Garda Siochana, local vets, a Departmental vet and the local priest who performed a blessing ceremony.