United States visitor seeks information on family tree

DEAR SIR - I will be in Meath this week researching my family tree and I want to meet with descendants of Bridget Bell, who was baptized in Kells in 1829. Bridget Bell was born on 27th January 1829, to Bridget to Mathew Bell and Bridget Smyth, and her sponsors were Bartholomew Smyth and Elizabeth Carty. Bridget was one of seven children listed to this couple in the Catholic church records for Kells. The other children are Mary Anne, born 6th July 1831, William, born 24th May 1835, Rose, born 20th March 1838, Mathew, born 26th May 1839, Michael, born 4th November 1841 and Judith, born 7th August 1846. According to Bridget"s obituary (August 1908, Utica, NY, USA), three brothers were living in county Meath: William, Mathew and Michael. Anyone with any information can contact rbarnes60@aol.com I will be in Ireland until 21st July. Yours, Ray Barnes, USA rbarnes60@aol.com