€12.5m contract for Navan water scheme awarded to company

A €12.5 million contract for the construction of the first phase of the Navan and Mid-Meath Water Supply Scheme was recently awarded by Meath County Council to Ward and Burke Construction Ltd. This contract (contract number two), which commenced on 30th June 2008, is the first construction phase of the scheme and will involve the provision of two new water reservoirs and trunk water mains around the southeast perimeter of Navan Town, from Kilcarn to Carn Hill. The overall Navan and Mid-Meath Water Supply Scheme, which is valued at approximately €62 million, will be completed in phases and will involve the construction of a new major water treatment works at Dowdstown, three new reservoirs and over 40km of new trunk water mains to be laid primarily around the outer perimeter of Navan Town. The overall scheme is scheduled to be fully operational by 2012 and will provide Navan Town and its environs with a secure water supply capable of meeting the future water supply needs of this growing town. The second phase of the scheme (contract number three) will be awarded in the coming weeks and will involve the installation of new distribution trunk water mains around the south and west perimeter of Navan Town. Both construction contracts are expected to be completed by spring 2010. 'The installation of water mains for both contracts two and three will involve a certain amount of pipe laying along public roads. Although some disruption will be inevitable during construction, every effort will be made to minimise this disruption. The scheme when completed will play an integral role in providing for the future infrastructural needs of Navan Town and its environs,' said Meath County Council Spokesperson Bill Sweeney. This project is being jointly funded by the Department of the Environment, Heritage and Local Government and Meath County Council as part of the National Development Plan. Information relating to contract two will be on public display in the Johnstown Shopping Centre on Wednesday, 23rd July and Friday 25th July between 11am and 5pm.