Mr G Caprani, Kells

The death has occurred at The Mater Hospital in Dublin of Mr Gerald Caprani (38), Headfort Woods, Kells. A native of Killester, Dublin 5, Mr Caprani had worked as a printer for 20 years before retraining as a special needs classroom assitant. A devorted husband and father, he had enjoyed a trip of a lifetime last year, when he accompanied his wife and young daughters on a five-week tour of Australia. Deceased is survived by his wife, Anne; daughters, Emer and Ciara; mother, Mrs Joan Caprani, Killester; sisters, Carole Caprani and Janet Pope; the Whelan, Caprani and McNally families, and other relatives. The funeral took place from St Colmcille"s Church, Kells, to St Colmcille"s Cemetery. A Month"s Mind Mass will be celebrated in St Colmcille"s Church on Sunday 3rd August at 11am.