NEPP denies it has agreed to meet Eirgrid on pylons

THE group campaigning against the construction of pylons and overhead power lines in Meath has denied that it had expressed a willingness to meet with the EirGrid company to discuss their concerns about the project. Eigrid had issued a press statement welcoming comments by the group, NEPP, that it was 'now willing to meet with EirGrid representatives to discuss NEPP concerns about the proposed new power lines for the north-east'. A spokesperson for EirGrid said: 'We would be delighted to discuss the Ecofys report and other concerns that NEPP has regarding the line. It is central to EirGrid"s policy that all stakeholders in Meath are consulted and informed at every stage of development of the line, which will supply a safe and secure supply of electricity to the area for the future.' However, NEPP said that it 'hasn"t a clue what 'comments by NEPP" EirGrid are referring to in their statement'. The group said that it had not issued any comments regarding seeking a meeting with EirGrid. 'However we are aware - and if EirGrid were truthful in their statement - they would say that they are aware that there is a continuing High Court Order by Mr Justice O"Neill directing that EirGrid enter into 'meaningful discussions" with us. 'On foot of that order, we have this week provided EirGrid with almost 400 pages of reports and documentation to facilitate such 'meaningful discussions". 'We have also told them that we will make any further expert reports available to them when they are received and are ready for publication. 'The matter is due before the High Court again next Monday and, after that hearing, we hope that EirGrid will comply with the order and enter into 'meaningful discussions" with us. 'However, EirGrid"s cavalier attitude to previous High Court Orders does not bode well for those discussions,' the NEPP spokesperson said. 'It has always been NEPP"s position that there would come a time when we might meet EirGrid in accordance with the High Court order and when the High Court process was completed. However, for the record, we wish to state that even up to the time they issued their statement (last Thursday, 24th July), we have never received an invitation from EirGrid to meet them. 'We have said previously that - if or when - we received such an invitation, we would respond to it appropriately.'