70 jobs set for Largo Food site

An additional 70 jobs will be created at the Largo Foods site at Kilbrew, Ashbourne, next year with the opening of the proposed visitor centre and Indian Way theme park. The company already employs 600 people in Ireland between the Ashbourne plant and a second factory in Gweedore, Co Donegal. The visitor centre is expected to attract up to 160,000 visitors to the area over the coming years with its Indian Way, which will feature 18 species of north American animals, including snow lynx, black bear and pumas. Giant totem poles specially imported from Canada will feature in the village, as will 12 tepees, wild turkey, wild boar, bison, white snow leopards and American bald eagles. Other animals will include elk and red deer and there will be a walk-through aviary with a number of exotic birds. Largo chief executive Raymond Coyle already owns a herd of buffalo which have always attracted a lot of attention at the site. Mr Coyle said that the facilty would include over 3km of walkways and over €1 million has been spent on plants and landscaping. There will be 45 acres of landscape and a lake feature in the centre of the park, including a 20 foot waterfall and two fountains. The totem poles which will line the driveway into the centre have been made by native Americans in Vancouver and the teepees were handpainted, again by native Americans in Calgary. The visitor centre will include two restaurants, gift shop and educational centre and the site will also inlude over half an acre of playgrounds. Largo Foods already has planning permission to build a visitor centre and outdoor amenities. The company recently received revised permission which allows for a larger visitor centre. If this is appealed to An Bord Pleanala, it will mean a delay in the project but, if refused, Largo says it will continue with the original plan. Largo Foods is the largest Irish-owned crisp and snack manufacturer and is home to the Tayto and Hunky Dorys brand. Other brands include Perri, King and Sam Spudz. Tayto is their number one brand and the market leader with a market share of 28 per cent. Overall, Largo Foods has a 47 per cent share of the Irish crisps and snacks market.