Proud Courtney takes home a silver medal

Courtney Kealy, the 11-year-old Slane girl whose life was transformed by a kidney transplant, has won a silver medal in table tennis in the UK Transplant Games, which took place over the weekend. Anyone who witnessed her excellent performance would have found it hard to believe she had suffered such ill-health in her first six years. For her parents, Paula and Fiona it was nothing short of a miracle to see her doing so well in her first ever competition and there was great celebrations when they arrived home in Ireland on Monday night. She was the youngest of the eight members of the Junior Transplant team, which represented Ireland at the games. Courtney was the first child ever to have a kidney transplant at Temple Street Children"s Hospital in Dublin when she received her new kidney in the spring of 2003 and her quality of life has improved dramatically since her transplant. She was born with kidney failure and had been on dialysis from when she was born and spent most of her time in hospital, but now is in great health. The Irish Junior Transplant team put in an impressive performance over the weekend securing three gold, one silver and six bronze medals at the games. This was the first year for a team from Ireland to be represented at the UK Games and the eight young Irish athletes, all kidney transplant recipients, ranging in age from 11 to 16, flew home with their impressive medal haul on Monday. The Irish Kidney Association, in partnership with the Children"s University Hospital, Temple Street, managed and coordinated the junior team"s involvement at the games, which are organised by Transplant Sport UK. Team Manager Colin White was assisted in the management and care of the Irish athletes by two representatives of Temple Street: Marie O"Connell, advance nurse practitioner in the renal unit, and Olive Kelly, play specialist.