Shauna"s making a name for herself

Athboy No-Name Club member Shauna Doherty has been selected as a cast member of a feature film been produced by successful independent film company, Venom. 'One Hundred To One Outsiders" is the first feature film being produced by the company run by Ken Wardrop and Andrew Freedman, whose previous work has been screened at the Sundance Film Festival and at Cannes. Over 25 short films, TV drama and commercials are included in their portfolio, and Ken Wardrop has won numerous awards. 'One Hundred to One Outsiders" is described as a creative documentary exploring a very traditional love story and little moments from everyday life. The story will be told chronologically, with characters moving from younger to older. It has been an active period for Athboy No Name Club. Judging took place in the Pride of Place projects, and the youth club was involved in the derelict-site improvement project. Members also went go-karting at the Athboy Centre. A 10k sponsored walk in Balla, Co Mayo, raised money for Aware, and the club is currently undertaking an evaluation of last week"s programme of activities and preparing programmes that will begin in October for new members. An outing to Athboy Airfield is planned.