Trim summer camp a success

Kidz & Co in Trim enjoyed a fabulous summer activity camp this year with a packed programme of activities aimed at stimulating the sportive, creative and social strengths of each participant. This is the second year that the camp has been run in the Diocesan Hall, Loman Street, by Alison Jones and John Wallace. Visits during the week included those to Trim fire station, Mahon"s recycling centre, Trim library, Trim swimming pool, Trim Castle and St Joseph"s Hospital, as well as several trips to the town"s municipal playground. Other activities included face-painting, 'High School Musical" dancing and dog-grooming and the children also learned a little about The Irish Guide Dog Association. The Civil Defence Ambulance Corps brought an ambulance and demonstrated some life-saving skills and Trim Gardai brought a patrol car and talked about the work they do. The children also saw a demonstration of the town"s road sweeper and were told how it helped to keep the town clean and tidy. Proceeds from the summer camp have been donated to the parents" association of St Patrick"s School to assist with the purchase of an interactive whiteboard for the classroom and to buy some new books for the school library. A donation was also made to St Patrick"s Cathedral from camp proceeds.