A failte in Nobber for visitor

(Editor, Meath Chronicle) Dear sir - I have read a lot or reports of late about the Irish welcome being found wanting and how the Celtic Tiger has ruined out natural hospitality. Recently, I was fortunate enough to spend a weekend in Nobber with some good friends. On Saturday, I spent a pleasant afternoon playing golf and on returning to Nobber decided to try out the local brew in a bar in Nobber village. I wandered in and ordered a pint and casually asked the barman if they served food. 'We don"t,' was the reply. 'Are ye looking for a bit of grub?'. I said it didn"t really matter, I just fancied a sandwich while watching the match. 'Well, hold on,' says the barman. 'Is there anything you don"t particularly like on your sandwich?' I replied that I pretty much liked anything. Out the door he goes, and across the street to the local Centra and returns a few minutes later, through the rain, with a delicious sandwich and there I passed a relaxed hour or so, well fed and with lovely creamy pints being set up as called for! Now that is service, and I will be back! Yours, Dermot Devenney, Donegal.