Eureka! Seven A1s for Oldcastle"s amazing Lucy

As she opened her Leaving Certificate results on Wednesday morning, Eureka Secondary School, Kells, student Lucy Chapman from Oldcastle was greeted with the result every student dreams of - seven A1s and a perfect 600 points. Eighteen-year-old Lucy from Oldcastle was thrilled with her results and her father, Pat, said she had worked hard and is now planning to study medicine. Mr Chapman said Lucy was a 'consistent worker and her results had been a 'great relief'. Lucy also has a keen interest in sports and is currently in Britain for the British Pony Club Regional Championships, where she is competing in the Tetrathon (a mixture of pony running, jumping, shooting and cross-country riding) event. Deputy principal at Eureka, John Broderick, congratulated Lucy and said: 'We are very proud of Lucy. She always represented the school very well and mixed extra-curricular activity with her studies.' Mr Broderick said the school had been very pleased with its Leaving Certificate results this year and that eight students had achieved 600 points. According to Mr Broderick, of the 145 students who sat their exams in Eureka Convent this year, five per cent had got 600 points, 14 per cent had got over 500 points and 34 percent achieved more than 400 points. The 12 students who studied the Leaving Cert Applied course, each got merits or distinctions. 'We were very pleased with the results. A lot of students got six and seven honours and our maths results were very good, in contrast with national trends,' concluded Mr Broderick.