Navan convent research

Dear sir - I am researching for a book about my mother"s time in the convent school in Navan during 1939-1945. She was sent there by her parents from her home in London to escape World War II. My mother Brigid Daly was a boarder at the school and these are some of the names I found in some old letters from her friends: Joy McDonough, who later attended Sion College to study poultry farming, Rose O"Hara from Drumlish, Co Longford, Mairead McCrilly, Anna Mulrey, later went to work in a solicitors office, M Shanley, K Young, A Devlin, A Sherlock, L Reilly, Jo Seagrave, Philly Keaghan, Carmel Eggsleton won scholarship for Sion College, Martha Smith, Bridie Burke, Lil O"Neill, Caroline Powderley, went into nursing. The nuns at the time whose names I can find are: Sr Xavier, Mother Mary Agnes, Sr M Benifimo, Sr M Alacoque, Sr M Francis. I realise that these ladies or former 'Navanites" or 'commercials" as they called themselves would be in their late 70s or early 80s now but I would be interested to hear from any one who has memories of that time. The girls received an excellent education and many went on to successful jobs in nursing, teaching or the civil service. I hope your newspaper will be able to help me in my search. If your readers know of anyone who attended this school between 1939 and 1945 please email me or write to the address below. Thanking you. Yours, Mary Walsh, 30 Spinney Gardens, Dagenham, Essex, England, RM9 5DR.