BreastCheck timewasters should 'cop on"

Dear sir - I would like to write in respect of a recent visit I had to the free BreastCheck service within the grounds of Navan hospital. Having recently experienced the death of a close relative I was delighted when my appointment came through for my two yearly breast check. My appointment was late in the day and while speaking with the nurse I said to her: 'I presume you"ve had a busy day.' She replied: 'Not as busy as it should have been as several people didn"t turn up for their appointments and not only that, they didn"t even have the manners to cancel!' 'Why?' I asked. 'Well, it seems that some people are afraid of the result, which seems a bit strange knowing that early detection of breast cancer brings a very good prognosis, and others are concerned about the procedure itself.' Well let me say the procedure is slightly uncomfortable, but that is all, and I also say 'so what?" If it saves my life, two minutes of being uncomfortable is nothing. So please, ladies of the north east cop on, and when your free appointment arrives, avail of it, and if you can"t attend at least have the manners to contact the service, so that someone else can attend on your place. Yours, Alison King, Tall Trees, Ardsallagh, Navan.