Kells Fianna Fail town council candidates

Kells Fianna Fáil members are finalising nominations for the town council ahead of the 19th September deadline, with sitting Cllr Peter Caffrey firmly sticking to his decision to step down after nearly 15 years" service. The party currently holds four seats on the council, with councillors Bryan Reilly, Seán Drew and AO Farrelly expected to secure re-nomination without difficulty. Drumbaragh"s Frankie Lynch is a strong candidate, seen in many quarters as Cllr Caffrey"s successor on the north and west side of town. Other names in the hat are apprentice solicitor Daniel Carry, auctioneer Hugh Morris and 'gra officer Donncha Maguire, while former candidate Jess Olohan is also being considered, after strong showing in 2004 and because of the all-male make-up of the town council. The nominations will go forward to national headquarters, after which, the Kells Cumann will be invited to make its submission. Fine Gael has already selected its three candidates following Councillor Ollie Sweeney"s firm decision to step down ahead of next June"s vote, while Labour"s Tommy Grimes and Brian Collins may be joined by possibly two others in its contest for nominations. Sinn Féin"s Cllr Conor Ferguson will come under some pressure to have a running mate, while Cllr Brian Curran remains in strong position as the only independent member. Fianna Fáil will aim to recover control of the council - and needs to gain just one single seat - but the town"s rapid growth and transfer out of Meath West constituency presents all of the candidates with a bigger and also more diverse electorate than ever to canvass.