Cumann decision should be declared null and void

Dear sir - Concerning the decision of Oldcastle Fianna Fáil Cumann in making its nomination for next year"s local elections, I must first say I am not affiliated to any party. My mother was a strong Fianna Fáil person while my father was a very strong Fine Gael supporter. I have always voted cross-party for the person I believed reflected my views, on either local or national issues. I know Cllr Michael Lynch as a neighbour and am appalled by the conduct of the local cumann. It was obvious that scheming and subterfuge were the order of the day to displace Michael as a candidate. I doubt very much if this conduct complied with the party"s constitution and believe the decision should be declared null and void so as to enable the meeting to be re-convened in a proper manner. The members of the cumann are adult enough to know the basic criteria of democracy: transparency and honesty should prevail over deceit, deviousness and lack of common decency. Apart from the insult to Michael, it was a gross insult to the party"s integrity and I have forwarded my complaint to Tánaiste Mary Coughlan, TD, since Fianna Fáil should not be a victim of this type of behaviour. Yours sincerely, Hugh Higgins, Whitehills, Oldcastle.