Discriminating tax scheme

Dear sir- Some years ago the government introduced its Tax Individualisation System which heavily penalises one-income married couples where one spouse is a full-time parent. This means a loss of over €6,000 yearly but will it redress this imbalance in its upcoming budget, and restore that married allowance? Our Constitution provides for protection of the family but the current system punishes more than half of our married couples. The government does so to force mothers into the workforce and children into full-time daycare, for short-term financial gain and to provide a so-called equality amongst all partnerships. But instead of giving other couples the same benefits as married couples, the government instead stripped these away, penalising young children and families, without regard to the long-term undermining of family life it is causing. The tax individualisation system is partly why married couples voted against the Lisbon Treaty. Yours, Yvonne Rooney, Kilnalun, Kingscourt.