Delays in Eureka site selection 'exasperating"

Delays by the Department of Education in declaring its intentions about the new school site for Eureka girls" secondary school were described as 'exasperating' by local area manager Brendan McGrath at the September meeting of Kells Town Council last week. He told councillors proposals to rezone the Cavan Road site would be brought to the November meeting of the Kells area council if the Department had not given an indication by then. The Kells Development Plan zoned land on the Navan Road for the new school site, despite opposition from Fianna Fáil members. Cllr Seán Drew"s motion before last week"s meeting of the town council sought details about the Navan Road site"s availability and asked about rezoning the Cavan Road Brothers" Field, as it is known locally, and which is now part of the land bank owned by the Residential Institutions Redress Board. Cllr Drew said he had been approached by both parents and teachers, who were concerned at the extra portakabins now covering the Eureka School"s basketball court. The Department has still not indicated if it wanted the Cavan Road site (which the Department had expressed a preference for, against council planners" advice) over the Navan Road location. Mr McGrath said there had been four principal officers in the Department offices in Tullamore handling the issue in the past year during which he had 'numerous talks' with them. A Department official had promised an early response within the time limit councillors placed on the issue, but that had already passed, he said. The Dept had been informed county councillors were prepared to reconsider zoning the Cavan Road option but he believed the Department was willing to make a judgment.