Two sides of O"Mahonys visible in the semi-final

There was an air of inevitability around Pairc Tailteann on Saturday evening. From the early stages of this SFC semi-final it was obvious that Navan O"Mahonys were in a different class to Blackhall Gaels. No side has come close to O"Mahonys in terms of sheer skill and Saturday evening was no different as the Brews Hill men blew Blackhall Gaels out of the championship with a devastating first-half display. A slack performance in the second period will give Summerhill hope for the final, but on their display in the opening 30 minutes Navan O"Mahonys will have to be raging hot favourites. That tag that doesn"t sit well with them as defeat in each of the last two SFC finals proves. On each occasion O"Mahonys were favourites to overcome Wolfe Tones in 2006 and Seneschalstown in 2007, but failed. However, on Saturday everything O"Mahonys touched turned to gold. They dominated midfield with Mark Ward patrolling the airways, they were solid at the back with Kevin Reilly in exceptional form and magnificent in attack with the Bray brothers, Stephen and David. Stephen Bray has taken a lot of the plaudits on behalf of O"Mahonys over the last couple of years, but on Saturday evening it was David who illuminated Pairc Tailteann with a string of superb scores that were magnificent for their simplicity. The direct style of pinpoint passing from Mark Ward was complemented by David Bray"s front showing for every ball. O"Mahonys rarely wasted possession. They did manage four wides in the first-half and still opened up a 1-9 to 0-2 interval lead and their economy with the ball was excellent. There was no aimless punting, no hit and hope attempts at the target, everything was structured and beautifully co-ordinated. Ward provided the inspiration with some great distribution. The work rate of Paddy Smyth, Henry Finnegan and Barry Regan also created space and openings for Sean Kelly"s side. The first-half was as close to perfect football that has been witnessed this year. The second-half was also typical O"Mahonys, it was far from pure harmony. Instead of pushing on and showing their obvious superiority on the scoreboard, O"Mahonys sat back and invited Blackhall Gaels onto them. Eamonn Barry"s men were not at the races for 30 minutes, but after the resumption they gave as good as they got. Whether O"Mahonys took their foot of the pedal or Blackhall Gaels shifted them out of their rhythm is difficult to determine, but the second-half was a closer affair. The quality of football after the break wasn"t as impressive as in the first period, but Blackhall had to stop O"Mahonys from playing to their potential. In their full pomp and swagger O"Mahonys lorded the early exchanges with the Bray brothers kicking three points in nine minutes following a few periods of outstanding football. Cormac McGuinness galloped forward to get his name on the scoresheet and by the end of the opening quarter Stephen and David Bray were both on target again as O"Mahonys opened up a 0-6 to 0-0 lead. It was difficult to see where a Blackhall Gaels score was going to come from. Their big name players like Tadhg Brosnan, Anthony Moyles and Alan Nestor were marked out of the contest and it took until the 23rd minute for Sean Whelan to open their account after Finnegan had stretched O"Mahonys lead. At that stage it wasn"t a case of would O"Mahonys win, it was more by how much they would succeed? Brosnan got on the end of a centre and punched over the bar, but a brace of David Bray points made it 0-9 to 0-2 before he set-up Stephen with an amazing pass for a goal and a 1-9 to 0-2 interval lead. Blackhall Gaels are renowned as comeback kings and O"Mahonys have been known to squander big leads. When Whelan pointed within 16 seconds of the restart a few jitters started to stir amongst the O"Mahonys supporters. But they needn"t have worried. Two minutes later goalkeeper Martin Whelan was dispossessed by Stephen Bray and he passed to Sean Keating for O"Mahonys second goal, which killed off the game. Mark Mullally and Finnegan traded points before three Brosnan frees kept Blackhall"s fading hopes alive, but O"Mahonys were never troubled. Despite a few fractious moments when the 'handbags" appeared, the game reached its inevitable conclusion with O"Mahonys booking their place in a third successive SFC final. SCORERS Navan O"Mahonys - D Bray 0-7, one free; S Bray 1-2; S Keating 1-0; H Finnegan 0-2, one free; C McGuinness 0-1; G O"Brien 0-1. Blackhall Gaels - T Brosnan 0-4, three frees; S Whelan 0-3, one free; M Mullally 0-2. THE TEAMS Navan O"Mahonys - M Brennan; D Moran, K Reilly, N McKeigue; S O"Toole, C McGuinness, S MacGabhann; B Regan, M Ward; L Russell, S Bray, H Finnegan; D Bray, P Smyth, S Keating. Subs - G O"Brien for Russell half-time, C Reilly for Moran 41 mins, S McKeigue for Keating 50m, D Hosie for Regan 53m, S Crosby for McGuinness 59m. Blackhall Gaels - M Whelan; D Beirne, D Dalton, D O"Brien; G Beirne, J Meyler, P Brady; A Moyles, M Mullally; J Callanan, S Whelan, P O"Brien; A Nestor, T Brosnan, A Brady. Subs - N O"Hora for Brady 16 mins, B McKeon for Callanan 45m, M Ferris for Nestor 46m, A Dalton for O"Brien 46m, C McElligott for D Beirne, 52m. REFEREE John Farrelly (Syddan).