Benefits of allotments to the town of Kells

Dear sir - I write in support of the recent resolution, passed by Kells Town Council, in relation to the establishment of allotments on council land at Lloyd. Other areas in both Ireland and the UK have very successful allotments and this way of growing food is very much seen as the way forward in terms of helping to address many of today"s health and economic problems. The establishment of allotments would be of immense benefit to the town of Kells. Allotments will bring the twin benefits of healthy exercise and healthy eating to all participants. In addition food produced from an allotment would be able to be produced at a very low cost while being of a very high quality. Over the last 10 year Kells has expanded dramatically and many of the new houses built have small gardens where space for growing food is limited. Furthermore a lot of the older houses in Kells would not necessarily have the right space or conditions suitable for the growing of food. Access to allotments would overcome this difficulty at a stroke. I look forward to attending a public meeting on the establishment of allotments, which I believe will be held in the near future. Yours, Andy Bogie, Stonebridge, Maudlin Road, Kells.