Labour leader to visit Ashbourne opening

Labour leader Eamon Gilmore is making his first visit as party leader to Ashbourne on Friday afternoon to open Senator Dominic Hannigan"s new constituency advice centre. Deputy Gilmore, who was elected leader last November, will be in Ashbourne Town Centre on the day. Located beside the library and county council offices, Senator Hannigan"s new office will be open every day for residents of Ashbourne and the rest of Meath. Senator Hannigan said: 'We are open for business and everyone is welcome to drop in for a chat. Of course, if people can"t make it to the office, I am more than happy to call to them.' Senator Hannigan was Deputy Gilmore"s Director of Elections for his successful leadership campaign. Meanwhile, Rathfeigh woman, Eileen Drew, has been selected by the Labour Party to fight for the Navan electoral area in next year"s elections to Meath County Council. She has lived in the area for 30 years and says that she is 'delighted to be given the opportunity to fight and win this seat for the Labour Party'. A resident of Rathfeigh, she works as a professor in Trinity College. She is known for her work on social issues including low pay, protecting part-time workers, promoting gender equality and the rights of people with disabilities. She was last week selected at a meeting in Navan"s SIPTU Hall. 'As a parent, I am particularly concerned about the lack of facilities for young people in the Navan area. 'As a local resident and a commuter, I am only too well aware of the road network in Meath and about the need for the new Navan to Dublin rail line,' she said. 'I strongly support the need for families and workers in Navan at this challenging time. I will be fighting to get elected so that I can work to protect the rights of Meath"s diverse community and to campaign for a better quality of life for all of our citizens.'