Top chef Neven set for Trim date

Celebrity chef Neven Maguire will return to Trim to host a cookery demonstration in the Knightsbrook Hotel on Tuesday, 11th November at 8pm. The event is being organised by St Camillus Prayer Group, Trim, in aid of the work of Fr George Munyaka, Nakuru, Kenya. A demonstration by Neven in the Knightsbrook Hotel two years ago attracted a packed audience, who were 'delighted by his good humour and charm'. Neven has won numerous awards, both for his cooking skills and his restaurant in Blacklion, Cavan, where he lives with his wife, Amelda. He recently attended the National Ploughing Championships, giving three daily demonstrations and will host his own cookery programme on RTE next year. Autographed copies of his new cookery book, which is due to be launched in November, will be available on the night. All proceeds of the Knightsbrook function will be donated to Fr George Munyaka, Nakuru, Kenya, who was also the recipient of 2006 fundraiser. The proceeeds in 2006 were used to build an extension onto the existing school in Fr George"s parish, with work done by volunteers and parents of the schoolchildren. The extension is used for a meeting room in the parish as a school canteen and for many other uses. Proceeds from this year"s event will be used to assist with the provision of transport for the priests in the parish of Nakuru. They currently have only one vehicle and, with dirt tracks as roads, the vehicle is often in need of repair and the priests have to hire drivers or vehicles to visit the needy within their stations. Tickets for the cookery demonstation at €25 per head are now available from Rita at 085-7284600, Pat O"Byrne Mans Shop, Trim (046) 9431853, Pat Mc Elhinney Man"s Shop, Athboy, (046) 9432256.