Gerry Tully to launch new album with Solstice concert

Trim singer / songwriter Gerry Tully will officially launch his new album, 'Leaves Float Down", with a special gig at the Solstice Arts Centre in Navan on Thursday, 6th November. Tully will be joined on stage by Irish legend Don Baker and by John D"Arcy of Kells rock outfit Ham Sandwich in what is sure to be a hugely entertaining night of music and fun with three of Meath"s most exciting artists. Tully has travelled the scene for a while now. He is a quiet, unassuming sort of character who prefers to let his music do the talking, but there is not doubting his overwhelming ability to capture a moment in time or a spark of life in his beautiful music. The new album of self-penned songs will leave the audience gripped by the passion, soulfulness and meaning in every word. The arrangements are top class and the production values are excellent. They are the staple requirements that are necessary for any good album, but what sets Tully aside from those production values is his poetic use of words, his description of life, love and all other matters of the heart. There is a warmth about every song that keeps the toe tapping and the soul rejoicing. World-renowned musician Baker lends his distinctive style of harmonica playing to track four 'News For You". Comparisons to Christy Moore, Christy Hennessy or Luke Kelly embarrass the Trim man, but they still need to be made. Those legends of Irish folk will never be bettered or even equalled, but very few will come as close as Tully when aiming to strike a chord with a traditional audience. Tully grew up in a musical family and taught himself to play guitar at an early age. His earliest influences were his parent"s singsongs at home, traditional music, and his love of poetry. The Trim man has played support to a host of well-known artists including Dervish, The Fureys, The Hothouse Flowers, Mundy, and The Dubliners, and featured on the Working Class Heroes Tour with Baker, the late Ronnie Drew, and Finbar Furey. He has a strong on-stage presence, and his confident powerful singing voice leaves the listener in no doubt that he is in every sense of the word a true performer. The album launch is not to be missed, tickets are still available from the Solstice, Navan.