Art and sculpture show opening in Slane

Dunsany-based artist Oliver Tennyson opens a new exhibition 'On The Edge" at the Slane Art and Print Gallery on Saturday next, 8th November, at 2pm. Mr Tennyson, a Louth village native now living in The Farmhouse, Athronan, has chosen a theme based on the social, cultural and spiritual life of Ireland in the last century. He developed an interest in woodwork at an early age and at 25 had become a self-taught musical instrument maker (mandolins). On the basis of the skill he displayed, the Galway School of Art offered him a place and during his time there he absorbed all the learning at his disposal and in particular developed his interest in sculpture and painting. Oliver continues to work in wood, stone and bronze, draws in pencil and charcoal and paints in oil and acrylics. Tennyson"s influences are the Romanian sculptor, Constantine Brancusi and the English sculptor, Henri Moore, the painters Marc Chagal, Francis Bacon and the impressionists Van Gogh and Gaugain. He connects deeply with the full richness of the Irish cultural heritage, its music and mysticism, its writers and poets and he feels at ease with the metaphysical and spiritual nature of reality. He treasures all of the arts and has recently completed a series of paintings based on the life and work of the poet Patrick Kavanagh. Saturday"s exhibition of art and sculpture will be open from 2pm to 7pm, and continues until 15th November, daily from 11am to 6.30pm. Meanwhile, members of Dunsany Art Group will be exhibiting their work in the parish hall at the crossroads after the mission ceremonies on Saturday evening and Sunday morning next.