Boardsmill girls prove too strong

The outstanding sporting pedigree of Scoil Naomh Brid, Boardsmill was maintained at Pairc Tailteann on Saturday as they retained their Meath Primary Schools girls Div 3 title in sensational style following a pulsating final against an unlucky Rathbeggan. It was a pity there had to be a loser as both sides gave their all throughout, but Boardsmill"s superior ability to carve out openings proved decisive as Rathbeggan relied heavily on the creative brilliance of the magnificent Aisling Garvey. Garvey caused Boardsmill countless problems, especially in the second-half when Rathbeggan threatened an amazing recovery. A disputed goal almost cost Boardsmill, but they reacted to seeing their nine-point interval lead cut to just the minimum by pulling clear again and sealing a memorable win. Victories over Bohermeen, Kilmessan, Dangan and Boyerstown in the group stages and Carlanstown in the semi-finals proved Boardsmill had the pedigree for victory and they started in whirlwind fashion, but couldn"t make their early dominance count. After sustaining a lot of early pressure it was Rathbeggan that opened the scoring with their outstanding captain Garvey pointing brilliantly. Dearbhla Donnelly doubled that advantage after more great play by Garvey, but Boardsmill"s early dominance began to tell as Hannah Bowman was forced to make a couple of great saves to deny Sarah Bagnall and Haidee Kelly, while Laura Murphy defended heroically. However, Rathbeggan couldn"t hold Boardsmill at bay forever and after Bagnall"s stinging drive rattled the upright the rebound broke to Laura Garrigan and she finished superbly to the net. Garrigan"s persistence paid off again two minutes later when she stretched Boardsmill"s lead to 1-1 to 0-2. Rathbeggan continued to be a threat on the break with Murphy"s outstanding defensive duties setting up many decent attacks. Garvey was prominent throughout the opening half, but Boardsmill were resolute at the back with Niamh McEvoy, Michela Stellini and Niamh Ennis impressing. Despite Murphy"s brilliance and a string of fine saves by Bowman they couldn"t prevent Rathbeggan falling further behind when Kelly pointed. Rebecca O"Toole made it 1-3 to 0-2 before a great run from Rebecca McIntyre brought an outstanding save from Susan Kealy. The rebound fell to McIntyre and she closed the gap to 0-3 to 1-3 before disaster struck for Rathbeggan. Kelly was denied by yet another brilliant save from Bowman, but two minutes before the break Boardsmill"s persistence was rewarded when Toni Hannon lobbed Bowman. Seconds later Bowman denied Garrigan, but the rebound broke to Kelly and she finished to the roof of the net to secure a 3-3 to 0-3 interval lead. The signs were that Boardsmill would grow stronger after the break, but Rathbeggan returned with a new vigour and with Garvey in sensational form. The Rathbeggan captain kick-started a recovery with a superb goal following a 40-metre mazy run. Garrigan responded with a point for Boardsmill, but Garvey kept the pressure on with another point. Another superb goal from Garvey, sandwiched between points from Kelly, closed the gap to 2-4 to 3-6 with 12 minutes remaining, but Boardsmill settled as Kelly took a couple of points from goal opportunities to relieve the pressure. When Garvey had a goal awarded that looked as if it didn"t cross the line Rathbeggan were boosted and when her speculative free fell to the net a minute later Rathbeggan were just 4-4 to 3-8 behind. However, that was their last score in the final seven minutes as Kelly sealed the win to spark wild celebrations for Boardsmill. Scoil Naomh Bride, Boardsmill - Susan Kealy; Niamh McEvoy, Michela Stellini; Raina Griffin, Niamh Ennis, Sarah Bagnall; Rebecca O"Toole (0-1), Sarah-Jane Diveney; Toni Hannon (1-0), Laura Garrigan (1-2), Haidee Kelly (1-6). Subs - Louise Dixon, Hannah Tuite, Lauren McNally, Caoimhe Henry, Keeley Hannon, Hayley McCormack, Lauren Kelly, Vittoria Marina Maruk Xavier, Lauren Gaffney. Managers - John Byrne and Carmel Long. Rathbeggan NS - Hannah Bowman; Zoe Coakley, Karen Geraghty; Laura Murphy, Katie Byrne, Aisling Garvey (4-2); Hannah Duggan, Dearbhla Murphy; Rebecca McIntrye (0-1), Grace Sherry, Dearbhla Donnelly (0-1). Subs - Hannah Matthews, Denise Higgins, Rachel Crowe, Sadhb Whitty, Roisin Crehan, Abby Coakley, Rebecca McCabe, Sinead Byrne. Manager - Mary Devine. Referee - Tony Kearney (Scoil Mhuire, Cannistown).