Kells council committed to revamping derelict houses

KELLS Town Council showed its commitment to tackling dereliction in its central streets, when members at a recent meeting approved the renovation of adjoining houses at Carrick Street/Maudlin road int two two-bed homes. Planner Alan Russell outlined the works proposed, which involved two-storey extensions to both and the use of older materials recommended by the council conservation officer. There had been no submissions from An Taisce about the plans and neither house was a protected structure, although near the Architectural Conservation Area (ACA), he added. The plans were welcomed by Cllr Tommy Grimes and Cllr Bryan Reilly, the latter saying he was 'almost disappointed' there was no objection from An Taisce. 'No matter what we do, it"s on top of us'. 'The houses would help bring more life back into the town centre,' he said. Cllr Peter Caffrey welcomed this and the planned work to a council-owned house at Fr McCullen Park but criticised the use of cast-iron materials when PVC gullies and soffiting were favoured for longevity in modern houses. 'At least An Taisce kept their noses out - that"s the best I can say', he added. Cllr Caffrey was that organisation"s strongest critic some years ago when its objection formed part of An Bord Pleanála"s decision to overturn planning permission for a derelict building on Maudlin road. 'More families should be encouraged back into the town centre,' said Cllr Brian Curran. Cllr Conor Ferguson commended the efforts of dereliction officer Noeleen Doggett. Many property owners were now painting or renovating their premises. The two houses and the third in Fr McCullen Park were part of the ongoing refurbishment of 43 council-owned propoerties around Kells, said area manager Brendan McGrath. The adjoining premises would be ready for tenanting in 2010.