Proud to call Ireland home

Dear sir - Attending the Labour Party Conference in the fine city of Kilkenny as a delegate for the first time was an experience I will cherish for years to come. Born in a country where many of the basic concepts of civil rights are not respected by its own government including the right of association to a political party, I felt exhilarated every time I raised my hand to vote in support of motions reinforcing the equality of the sexes and promoting the participation of women in politics; motions expressing solidarity with those economically disadvantaged and marginalised and motions committing the Irish Labour Party to an ethical rights-based foreign policy. When I was given an opportunity to speak before the delegates, seconding Senator Dominic Hannigan"s motion regarding the issue of parking charges at train stations which directly affects my local community, I spoke not as a member of a minority group or a newcomer but as a citizen in the true meaning of the word- someone who owes his allegiance to a nation where sovereign power is retained by the people and sharing in the political rights of those people. I"ve never been prouder to call Ireland my home and I will always endeavour to lead a life of service to Ireland and its people. Mise le meas, Mohammed AlKabour, South Shore Court, Laytown.