Council concern over Kells roads

RECENT heavy rains followed by frosty nights had proven 'very conducive' to potholes, area engineer Shane Carroll told last Monday"s Kells Town Council meeting. Outdoor staff were concentrating on such repairs up to Christmas in the town and district, he told members. Gritting in cold weather was continuing, linked to weather forecasts. The Moynalty road was in 'deplorable condition', said Cllr Brian Curran. It was suffering from the works on the N52 bypass, aggravated by the heavy rains. He queried whether gritting levels on county roads would suffer under budget cutbacks. Teachers and parents had complained of dangerous parking on the Navan Road schools" road where the new Church of Ireland primary school was set to open next year. A meeting between the schools boards of management and the local Garda Superintendent had yet to take place about the increasingly dangerous situation there for pedestrians. 'There would be a very bad accident there unless those people who double-parked on the yellow lines and even on the pedestrian crossing were dealt with,' said Cllr Peter Caffrey. Extra Garda activity there would make such drivers 'get the message', he added. Mr Carroll said he received suggestions from a school principal which had merit. Putting a pedestrian barrier at the crossing might be funded out of the block grant, as parents seemed to be parking on or near the crossing itself, he said. He also said he would speak to Supt Collins about enforcement, which could help in the short term.