Ratoath students plan youth café

Students of Ratoath College have launched a campaign to provide a youth café in the town and are actively engaged in fundraising for the project. The hard-working students have set out to prove that the vast majority of teenagers in the area are well-behaved and responsible - and to provide a much-needed facility for local youngsters. Philip Costigan, a transition year student at the college, explained that they hope to set up a café, similar to The Gaff in Galway, where youngsters can meet and socialise. They have been told, through local councillor, Nick Killian, that the HSE will provide €40,000 towards the project but they need to raise a similar amount to cover the cost of setting up the facility. 'We are in the early stages, but we are getting there,' Philip said this week. The students are organising a cinema night tomorrow (Thursday) to raise funds for the project. It will cater for students in third, fourth and fifth year in secondary school and they hope it will be the first of many similar fundraisers. 'As well as being a fundraiser, we will be showing films that people of our age will enjoy,' he added. Philip explained that local community garda, Colm Curran, had suggested to a group of students in the Young Social Innovators Group at the school that they should consider setting up a youth café. 'We decided it would be great, not just for us, but for future generations of young people,' he said. Philip went on: 'We met with a lot of adults who are prepared to help us and we have set up a committee with five adults and five students and we meet every fortnight.' The students involved in the project in addition to Philip Costigan are Scott Lyons, William Ross, Claire Lawless and Laura Osborne Ryan.