Sewerage problem on Trim street

A sewerage problem at Trim"s High Street led to the street being closed to traffic for several hours last Thursday while the problem was being rectified. On Thursday, it was discovered that sewerage was backing up at a premises on High Street and some excavation was required to resolve the problem. Trim Town Engineer Vincent Collins said the road was blocked from Thursday morning until Thursday afternoon because the sewerage was not flowing at a premises and the solution was to excavate to the pipe and do a connection. A two metre by half metre trench was dug from the footpath to the middle of the road to facilitate the work and the road was blocked for the duration. There were also some reinstatement works to be completed on Friday. Trim"s High Street re-opened at the beginning of November after being closed to through traffic for several months for street restoration works. New sewerage, water mains and services were laid and the street was resurfaced and new footpaths put in. Initially the street was to close to traffic for the months of June and July but delays and complications meant the street did not re-open until the end of October. Several businesspeople on the street were unhappy with the length of time the works took and said their businesses were suffering as a result of the closure.