Tributes to a Kells Labour activist

Dear sir - The Carolan and Quaid Families would like to thank everyone who attended the unveiling of the commemorative plaque to honour James (Jim) Carolan, on Sunday 14th December, in Suffolk Street, Kells. The families would especially like to express their appreciation to Kells Silver Band, which played both before and after the unveiling ceremony, and to all the present and former local representatives in attendance, including Jack Fitzsimons, Johnny Brady TD, Cllrs John V Farrelly, Michael Lynch, and Frances Monaghan, and Seamus Grimes. The plaque, which was the work of local stonemasons Bennetts, was erected on the site where Jim Carolan lived for most of his life, and it marks the achievements of a local man who represented his community, his political party and his fellow workers throughout his time in public life. The family saw the way in which he was held in such high esteem, in the local trade union movement and the Labour Party, not only on the day of the unveiling but throughout the entire planning stages of the project. The speeches of Cllr Liz McCormack, cathaoirleach, Meath County Council, cllrs Tommy Grimes and Brian Collins, cathaoirleach, Kells Town Council, again showed us how much his work was appreciated and for this we are deeply grateful. Again many thanks to you all for such a fine tribute. Yours, The Carolan and Quaid families.