Nativity story through they eyes of the donkey!

Why didn"t Joseph book a room in advance - didn"t he know the place would be packed for Christmas? Who looked after the sheep while the shepherds were wetting the baby"s head? Would the wise men not have been wiser to club together and buy the kid a high-chair? What did the donkey see and why was he looking? All these questions are explored in 'The Nativity...What the Donkey Saw", chapter one of the greatest story ever told, as seen through the eyes of the only truly reliable witness, the donkey. Directed by Peter Sheridan, with musical direction by Peter Hayes, the show features a new take on some well-known songs and features in the cast Navan actor and television presenter, Michael Hayes. The comedy is running at the Mill Theatre, Dundrum Town Centre, until Saturday 17th January at 8pm, with some matinee performances. Director Peter Sheridan is a renowned writer, theatre director, playwright, screenwriter and film director. In 2000, he wrote and directed the film 'Borstal Boy", based on Brendan Behan"s memoirs. Michael Hayes has worked with many of the major theatre companies in Ireland and has also made appearances in various films, including 'Intermission", 'Ordinary Decent Criminal" and 'Inside I"m Dancing". The cast also includes Vincent Moran, who previously appeared with Lane Productions as 'Quinnus" in 'I, Keano", as well as Dorothy Cotter, Frank Mackey and Chris Patrick Simpson, all of whom have extensive theatre, film and TV experience. Lane Productions, founded in 1998 by Pat Moylan and Breda Cashe, is one of Ireland"s most successful independent theatre production companies. With a long list of theatre, film and TV credits to their name, Lane Productions have acquired a reputation for producing top quality theatre for both the Irish and international markets. In 2005, Lane premiered the musical 'I, Keano" at the Olympia Theatre in Dublin. (This show is not suitable for children under 12 years of age.) Performances take place Monday to Saturday at 8pm, with matinees at 5pm on selected dates. Tickets are €22.50/€19.50 and matinee €17.50. Booking is on (01) 296 9340.