Navan council honours Keegan Cup winners

Attention may have already turned to the championship season for 2009 but Navan"s town councillors were in retrospective mood last Thursday night as they honoured the Navan O"Mahony"s Keegan Cup-winning team from last year. The squad, along with team management and backroom staff, was feted in the chamber of the town council by the local elected members. Mayor of Navan, Cllr Padraig Fitzsimons, paid tribute to all of the players for their success on the field of play by capturing the Keegan Cup for a 17th time and for the sense of pride they brought to the town. 'For such a young group of lads, you have been through quite a lot already and hopefully there are even greater days to come,' remarked Cllr Fitzsimons. 'I wish you all the best for the year ahead and, on behalf of the members and the people of Navan, I extend our thanks for all the enjoyment you brought us in 2008.' Presentations were made to Pat Smyth, who received the award on behalf of his son and team captain, Paddy, and club chairperson, Jarlath Fitzsimons. Each player received a commemorative certificate from the mayor while a special award was also presented to Paddy O"Brien in recognition of all his hard work with the juvenile section of the club. Team managers Sean Kelly and Sean Barry were praised by the mayor and the councillors for their hard work, as was Finian Murtagh, Barry Dunphy and team masseur Jacqueline Murray.