Sisters give up Christmas presents to fundraise

Two big-hearted Drumbaragh children decided to give up their Christmas presents this year in a bid to raise funds for two charities dear to their hearts. Twelve year-old Chloe Tevlin and her little sister, Emily (9), told their relatives and friends they didn"t want presents this year and instead urged them to go along to a coffee morning in their home and make donations to the Jack and Jill Foundation and Meath Palliative Care. Their generousity saw the family raise €2,050 for the both causes and the girls were delighted to present the money to the charities recently. The girls, who attend Drumbaragh National School outside Kells, are daughters of Tina and Paul Tevlin. Tina explained they decided to cancel Christmas and give the money to charities that were very important to the family this year. The girls did receive presents from Santa Claus and their parents, but the many friends, neighbours and relatives who would also be giving gifts, were asked to donate instead to the charities. They also invited others who wouldn"t necessarily be exchanging gifts with the family also to go along to the coffee morning and donate to the causes. 'We had a great Christmas and the children were delighted to be doing this for those charities. It taught them what life is all about and that it is good to give as well as receive,' Tina said. The Jack and Jill Children"s Foundation provides home respite for children up to four years of age who suffer from severe developmental delay and associated problems. The foundation provides direct funding to parents, enabling them to purchase care. Meath Palliative Care provides care for terminally ill patients and their families.