Call to boycott Israeli goods

Dear sir - Despite Israel"s ban on media in the Gaza strip, we know only too well of the conditions there, after the recent assault by the Israeli army. The densely populated open-air prison has suffered yet again at the hands of an apartheid state that has violated 35 UN Security Council resolutions and pursued an agenda of aggression against the defenseless Palestinian people. This slaughter follows almost two years of blockade which has prevented essential supplies of food, fuel and medicines from reaching the Palestinian people in Gaza and causing untold suffering. This isn"t about rockets being fired by the elected Hamas government. This is about the Israeli government"s agenda, which has existed even before the creation of the Israeli state. Israel has continually employed confiscation of land, laid siege to Gaza as well as general terror and aggression against the Palestinian people. Israel is an apartheid state and needs to be addressed as such. Israel"s regime is no less racist than the South African one, as many South Africans have declared - this is one reason why South Africa is at the forefront of the boycott movement. Boycotting Israeli goods in this manner offers a non-violent tactic that can be both moral and effective in seeking a just and peaceful solution to the Israeli-Palestinian conflict. For more information and products list please visit Stop the slaughter, end the siege and bring down the apartheid regime of Israel. Yours, David Byrne, Kilberry.