Macra soccer title for Ardcath

Ardcath Macra emerged victorious in the recent national finals of the men"s indoor soccer competitions in Gormanston College. Damien Govern, John Kinsella, Ciaran McGrath, Dermot Coyle, John McGrath, Leo Collins, Paddy Morris and Joey Morris beat the Dungarvan team from Waterford. Macra president Catherine Buckley presented the medals at the event and congratulated the winning teams on their achievement. Ms Buckley said after the event: 'competitions like indoor soccer are a great form of exercise for young people along with being great fun, and sports are a great hobby, and a great way of meeting people, indoor soccer is as popular as ever, as seen by the 41 teams who battled it out for the titles.' Pictured is captain Leo Collins and his team accepting the trophy from Catherine Buckley.