Urban Dancescape for Navan launch

A group of young Navan people have formed Urban Dancespace with the aim of bringing to the people of Navan the best dance experience possible, through themed nights, DJs, visuals, and dancers. The six members - Mark, Richie, Mark, Laurence, Sarah and Lisa - are influenced by various types of music, from rock to hip hop and most forms of dance music. They are aged between 19 and 31. 'It is our interest in dance music that brought us to form Urban Dancescape,' Mark Curley explains. 'We have members within the group who are good on turntables, keyboards, and drums. We intend to start our own live dance band, making our own music and creating our own image and visuals that would be unique to anything or anybody else.' Urban Dancespace intends holding a number of events for the younger people of Navan as they feel there"s not much of a choice of night clubs or dance events in the area for them to attend. The ambition is to graduate to larger dance festivals. The unique group"s launch event is in Claremount Stadium, Navan, on Saturday next 31st January, with a UV glow party, and the Paperdoll Dancers performing live, DJs Dizzie and Traxx, and the first fifty clubbers will receive a free glow product.