Old Trim pool to close this Friday

Trim"s existing swimming pool will close this Friday, 6th February, and the new swimming pool and leisure complex at the Newhaggard Road is due to open on the week commencing 16th February. Staff members of the existing pool were outraged when they learned that they would be made redundant once the new pool opened. Negotiations took place at the Labour Relations Commission between union officials and Meath County Council, where an agreement was reached on a redundancy package and redeployment options. Some 17 staff are employed at the pool and there are four posts available for redeployment for those who do not take the redundancy. All staff members have received details of their redundancy package and staff had until yesterday (Tuesday) to indicate whether they were opting for redundancy or would be seeking redeployment. The new €14m Trim Sports and Leisure Centre development includes a 25m swimming pool, two children"s pools, sauna and steam room, a gym, sports hall, dressing rooms and toilets, as well as two all-weather pitches and car and bus parking. The pool will be operated by Aura, which already runs the Leisurelink complex in Navan. Aura has recruited its own staff for the premises. Aura moved into the building last Monday and has been training staff since then. While no details of charges have yet been released, it is understood that charges will be in line with Aura"s other facilities. An offical opening of the complex will take place later this year.