Govt bailing out the bankers and builders

DEAR SIR - Not content with the crime of treachery (allowing the economy to inflate out of control despite the warnings), Fianna Fáil now plan on stealing some of my salary, without my permission, so that they can bail out their banker and builder friends. I did not create this mess, I could see it coming, the dogs on the street could see it coming but all Fianna Fáil could do was to tell us not to talk down the economy. The politicians and bankers who have ruined my country are traitors and now they are thieves. The shortfall this month in comparison with last year is about €900 million from last January in tax take - approximately the cost of the M3. So, all the public service is to be taxed/levied so that Fianna Fáil can continue to build Noel Dempsey"s vanity project for the people of Meath and destroy a wonderful tourism asset. The only monument of the Celtic Tiger will be the White Elephant of the M3. I am sick of being told that everything is on the table but bankers and developers walk free - and what about the NDP? The NDP projected costs for the next plan is €186 billion, and one per cent of this would cover the €2 billion, while eight per cent would cover the €15 billion needed. Yours, Muireann Ní Bhrolcháin, Maynooth, Co Kildare.