Boardsmill NS children in Moldova fundraiser

Pupils of Boardsmill NS raised over €2,400 for the Outreach Moldova organisation which will go towards the care of orphans in Moldova. Paddy Ennis from Trim has travelled to Moldova to work in the Hincesti Orphanage for the past two years and the pupils in Boardsmill NS raised funds towards the charity. The initiatve was organised by principal, John Byrne, and the staff of the school along with Mr Ennis. The children raised the €2,400 in just a few weeks. The money was raised predominately through a 'Bob a Job" idea where they did various different tasks to earn donations from their family, relatives and friends. The funds raised will go directly towards providing necessary care to the 370 girls that call the Hincesti Orphanage home. 'Its a really brilliant organisation and a very deserving cause for the school"s pupils to have worked so hard to help,' said Mr Ennis, who has been involved with the organisation for about two years. As well as helping raise funds towards the orphanage, Mr Ennis also travelled to Moldova twice to date to work with ORM. He said there is a great tradition of support for this organisation in Meath and applications for the 2009 volunteer programme are open. Anyone who would like to get involved as a volunteer or know more about the charity can visit the website, contact Paddy Ennis on (086) 371 0122 or email