Tough golf challenge awaits Headfort duo

Headfort Golf Club professional Brendan McGovern will be aiming to take full advantage of his second visit to Bahrain this week when he plays in the grand final of the Gulf Air International Pro-Captain Challenge, supported by BMW. The first time he touched down in the Middle Eastern country he never left the airport! McGovern was on the way from Dublin to Thailand and his Gulf Air flight stopped over on the Bahrain island in the Persian Gulf. However, as a member of one of the teams competing he will get the chance to have a much closer look at the country. 'All I have seen is the inside of the airport so I"m looking forward to going back there. From what I hear it is supposed to be good,' said the Headfort professional. McGovern admits that he is a bit out of practice having not played since November, but is not too concerned for himself or captain Fred Reilly. 'We haven"t done anything special for it, but we are not worrying or thinking about it,' he added. We knew when we won the qualifier last year it was a good trip so we are just going to turn up and play. 'I would have liked to have played more. Fred and I will play nine holes in the next week just to see how we are shaping up and then we"ll take it from there. 'It will be an experience for the two of us and as long as we enjoy it, that will be fine. 'When we get out there we will be competitive, but it is important for me that the captain enjoys the experience. I would like him to do well so he will have good memories from it - and if he does well then I do well!' Reilly, a 15 handicapper, admits to having a few nerves, but hopes he can put them to one side once the action is under way. 'You always feel pressure as an amateur, but we are looking to have a good crack at it,' said Reilly, who celebrates his 54th birthday on Friday. 'I went to the qualifier (at Knightsbrook) and was pretty nervous, but Brendan and his caddie put me at ease. We are out there representing our country and our club.' 'The trip is part of the prize, it is the icing on the cake for my year as captain, but we"d like to go there and win it,' concluded Reilly. The 36-hole event will be held over the newly-developed Montgomerie course at the Royal Golf Club, Riffa. Six other pairs from the PGA regions, together with the international qualifiers and a professional and captain from the host club, are also taking part.