Govt is disconnected and removed

Dear sir - 'Getting the basic fundamentals right" and 'Everyone sharing the pain" are the key phrases being pushed by our elected officials. Most people would accept the intent behind these themes but, when set aside, an analysis of what these officials are doing it appears that the theme is 'Do what I say, not what I do." Ministers O"Dea and Coughlan spent €164,000 on a recent trip to see Michael Dell in Texas. The trip itself was totally justified but using expensive government jets in the face of such severe cutbacks across education, childcare, medical cards and pensions reinforces the view that this government is disconnected and removed from the public mood and a sense of reality. Various ideas on the economy have been mooted by groups and individuals across society but so far have fallen on deaf ears amongst government. Yet, this very government pursues policies whereby our borrowing costs are 5.7 per cent which recent public sector cuts are meant to address. However, these cuts only amount to €2 billion whilst tax receipts are down €900 million as of 3rd February which could spiral to €6 billion by year"s end leaving a deficit of billions. Elected government officials need to stop their 'mé féin' attitude and start listening to all and any fresh ideas from across the political spectrum - that"s a sign of true leadership, not weakness. Yours, Philip Heary, Sinn Féin spokesperson, Kells