President to visit Drumconrath NS this Friday

President Mary McAleese will visit Drumconrath National School this coming Friday to mark the 40th anniversary of the local school. The President"s visit to the school is just the start of a series of events to mark the school"s four decades. Mrs McAleese will be arriving at 11.15am and is expected to stay for around 45 minutes, meeting pupils, staff and parents. A series of events to mark the anniversary are also planned for the May Bank Holiday weekend. Principal Sean Egan said they were planning a photographic exhibition in the school and a Mass will be held in the local Ss Peter and Paul"s Church on the Saturday evening of the bank holiday weekend, which will be followed by a social event in Drumconrath Community Centre. They plan to publish a commemorative booklet and would love to see people who have moved out of the parish to return to join in this special occasion. A committee formed to oragnise the event and it is inviting all previous students and staff to help in the development of the booklet. 'It is hoped that photographs, articles, poems, stories and funny incidences would be contributed. In particular, photographs of groups and individuals from that time are most welcome,' Mr Egan said. Photographs can be copied and left in the school or alternatively the school will arrange for the photo to be copied and returned. 'Although the staff of St Peter and Paul NS have many memories to share, we invite anyone who has articles, poems or fun stories to send them to us at the school. We would like to take this opportunity to encourage all past students and staff to submit items. 'We would also recommend anybody living abroad who intends to make a visit back to Drumconrath to come in May for these celebrations as we are going to have a weekend to remember. It will be a nice trip down memory lane and an opportunity to meet some of your old school friends and have a laugh or two,' he said.