Call to acquire Kells buildings for groups

Kells Town Council has been urged to investigate the potential acquisition of two landmark Kells buildings to be used on a shared basis by all voluntary, sporting and community groups in the town. Local election candidate, Sarah Reilly, said the post office on Farrell Street and the FBD building at Bective Street would shortly become vacant and would be ideal for community use. 'The council should look to making an arrangement with the building owners as soon as possible,' she said. 'There are dozens of voluntary groups and organisation based in the town who offer great services to residents. Having talked to many people over the past few weeks that are involved in some of these groups, it is clear that one of the main barriers they face is a lack of a place to meet,' she said. 'The recent St Patrick"s Day parade showcased a lot of community groups. It is clear that the age of volunteerism is alive and well and it was brilliant to see such an abundance of people taking part and promoting their communities and their interests.' She said the opportunity exists now for the council to take the 'bull by the horns" and liaise with these community groups in order to provide much-needed building space for them.