Quinn Direct to open in Navan following June Bank Holiday

Quinn Direct is due to move into its new Navan headquarters over the June Bank Holiday weekend and will be open for business on Tuesday 2nd June. The company established a temporary office in Kells almost two years ago and the 200 employees currently based there will be transferring to the new purpose-built offices at the IDA Business and Technology Park at Johnstown, Navan. All external work on the two-storey 7,000 sq metres building is now complete and, internally, floors and ceilings are now being fitted. Quinn Direct general manager Colin Morgan confirmed the company would be moving into the new premises in six weeks. He said 'it was all systems go' and he was confident they would make the date. The offices have been designed to hold 600-700 staff but Mr Morgan said there is minimal recruitment at the moment given the current economic climate. However, over time, Quinn plans to increase its workforce, but not in the short term. Meanwhile, Navan Sinn Féin councillors Peadar Tóibín and Joe Reilly recently met with Quinn Direct management, along with Johnstown Community Council chairperson and local election candidate, Antoinette Rooney. Cllr Reilly said: 'The fact that Quinn has chosen Navan is a tremendous vote of confidence in Navan as a location to do business. 'This business seeks to transfer the 200 existing staff which are based in temporary offices in Kells to their new Navan office in the first week in June this year and, as a result, Sinn Féin wants to ensure the opening of the office happens as smoothly as possible.' He said that those seeking to gain employment should check out the company"s website and follow the recruitment directions or, alternatively, they can post their CVs to the company"s Cavan office. 'The company hopes to increase staff levels to eventually reach its capacity of 700 staff at the Navan office on a phased basis, depending on the strength of the economy,' added Cllr Reilly. At the meeting, Cllr Tóibín drew attention to the opportunities that exist for local firms that wish to supply Quinn. According to him, the opening of Quinn Direct will have a massive effect on the local economy in Navan and he predicted that positive spin-offs will be felt by bars, restaurants, shops and gyms in the area. He said Quinn Direct will also be in need of suppliers offering IT and security services as well as stationary and canteen products and that those who seek to supply large contracts to Quinn Direct should register on the company"s tender invitation list, while smaller opportunities Meath suppliers should make contact and deliver their pitch to the purchasing manager. Antoinette Rooney said: 'Issues such as potential traffic congestion, opening hours and how the business will engage with the local community were discussed. We managed to put in place plans for the members of the local Johnstown Community Forum to meet with the representatives of Quinn prior to the business"s opening in June. 'This will allow all the residents" associations throughout Johnstown and Athlumney to identify issues which are relevant to them and then discuss these issues with the business. It is our aim to work in partnership with Quinn Direct for the mutual benefit of the local community and the business.'