Jodie and 'Xpose" team draw the crowds at the Palace

Controversial glamour model Jodie Marsh jetted into Ireland for a special appearance at The Palace Nightclub in Navan last Friday night. While the tatooed blonde was accompanied by her boyfriend Ryan Fleming on the night, it was the guys and girls of Navan who got her undivided attention on the night. The model arrived in a blacked-out Range Rover shortly after midnight and immediatley headed into the VIP area in the club for champagne and strawberries. However, when she saw the huge queue for autographs she immediately set about meeting fans. After signing autographs for over an hour she took to the DJ box and said: 'Hello Navan' to a tremendous applause by the 900 crowd in attendance. She then took to pulling the legendary pints of Guinness behind the bar, to where she drew a huge crowd. TV3"s 'Xpose" show was in attendance filming the night, and Jodie took part in a quiz entitled 'Marry or Not" for the programme. In it, she had to rate the Irish celebrity she would most like to marry. Having said Jonathan Rhys Meyers was 'a pretty boy" and Michael Flatley was 'too small", she eventually decided that Colin Farrell would be the man for her. However she also thought TV3s Xpose girls were hot! Palace nightclub manager, Darren Kavanagh said: 'She was one of the nicest celebrities we have ever had at the club, she bent over backwards to accomodate her fans.' The club is set for three more parties over the coming months when once again they will be bringing more top celebrities to Navan.