Trim Chamber elects president

Yvette Bloomfield has been elected president of the newly re-formed Trim Chamber of Commerce. At a well-attended meeting last week, a new committee was formed with Ms Bloomfield at the helm, aided by vice-president Jillian O"Brien, secretary Catherine Howley and Treasurer John McEvoy. 'The way the economy is at the moment, we really needed to do whatever we can to help business in Trim. Collectively, people can do better than on their own,' said Ms Bloomfield, who owns An Tromman café on Market Street. She said that while there are challenging times ahead because of the economy, there are also exciting times ahead for Trim and said the town has three hotels, two swimming pools, golf courses and a lot to entice people to the town. Ms Bloomfield said she does all her shopping in Trim and that there are some fantastic stores in the town. She said there are a good few vacant buildings at the moment in the town and, with the huge rents in Dublin and parking charges, the Chamber is hoping that some businesses who don"t need to be in Dublin will consider relocating to Trim. The Chamber is also planning to launch a new website with lots of details about Trim and the various businesses in the town. It will hold its next meeting on Thursday 7th May, and will hold monthly meetings thereafter. Sub-committees will be formed to look after areas such as the website and marketing.