Skatepark struck by vandals

Dunboyne"s skateboard park for young people is suffering frequent closures as a result of vandalism. The park had to be closed again over the recent Easter break. 'We have repeated vandalism to the equipment in this skate board park,' a Meath County Council spokesperson said. 'As far as we know, the damage is caused by people who have no interest in skateboarding. Each time a piece of equipment gets vandalised, we lock the park for health and safety reasons until the damaged sections can be replaced or repaired as necessary. When the equipment is safe to use, we reopen the park.' Over Easter, the council was waiting for the contractor to replace a damaged section on one of the platforms and, as a result, the park had to be closed. Labour local election candidate Niamh McGowan had expressed her 'frustration and amazement' that the Dunboyne skateboard park - which cost €90,000 to develop - is closed at times when it is most required by young people in the town. 'Local teenagers were on holidays during Easter and it would have made sense for the skateboard park to be open,' she said. 'It is a great facility and should be open and available to them as much as possible. Too often there is little for young people to do during the holidays and in the evenings and weekends, so it is scandalous that when we have a facility which cost €90,000 that it is locked up when it is most needed,' Ms McGowan said.