Trim officials to work with allotment holders

Trim Town Council officials will seek to work with allotment holders and the St Vincent de Paul who own the site in an attempt to upgrade the allotments in the town, according to Sinn Fein Cllr Caroline Lynch who put forward a motion for the council to support the project at a recent town council meeting. Cllr Lynch said: 'Over the last number of years, I have repeatedly asked the council to provide allotments in Trim. The St Vincent de Paul Society are to be congratulated for having the foresight to provide this amenity. 'Here we have a charity providing a service that the council should be providing, and in the absence of a council allotment, officials should work with both the SVdeP and the individuals who have allotments to improve this facility.' Cllr Lynch said she has met with a number of the allotment holders and there are a number of improvements that could be made at minimum cost such as the provision of a pump and piped water from the existing well, toilet facilities to make it more family friendly, secure lockers for tools to be stored and additional hardcore for parking spaces. She said that these measures would take a relatively small investment but would make a major difference. 'When I first proposed allotments for Trim, I was told that there was no land available and insufficient demand. The 26 allotments on this site were sold out within a number of weeks. This shows that the demand exists. 'It is also worth noting that the cost for these allotments is in line with other local authorities and significantly cheaper than private allotments around the county, making them more accessible for people on low income. This is a fantastic project and one that the council should support,' said Cllr Lynch.