Secretary"s salvo at NECSL official

The Meath & District League hosted its 30th annual general meeting on Tuesday evening of last week at the Ardboyne Hotel, Navan where secretary Gerry Gorman was returned to serve another term. The Kilmessan native has a unique record of unbroken membership of the committee since the establishment of the Mid-Meath League in 1980. In a hard-hitting report, Gorman was critical of a neighbouring league, which he would not identify when questioned by the Meath Chronicle afterwards, in relation to the behaviour of an official from that league, arising out of the appointment of Meath Development Officer Mark Scanlon. Scanlon was appointed to the new role of full-time Meath Development Officer following an initiative between the Football Association of Ireland (FAI) and Meath Co Council. 'Some of the underhand approaches to the relevant authorities could have proved damaging to the great confidence built up through the years between the MDL, the FAI and Meath Co Council,' stated Gorman in his report. 'Thankfully, both the FAI and Meath Co Council were able to interpret the approaches in the proper context and no long-term damage was caused,' he added. Following investigations by the Meath Chronicle, it emerged that the league in question is the North Eastern Counties Schoolboys" League (NECSL). We contacted NECSL chairman Peter McManus about the matter. 'A member of our commit tee felt that an official from the NECSL should have been involved in the interview process, or at least made aware of the process in the first instance,' the NECSL chairman told the Meath Chronicle. 'We welcome the appointment of the Development Officier and we are working with him successfully,' he added. In relation to addressing current problems within the MDL, Gorman suggested that it was time to take action. 'Papering over the cracks may not be the best approach to addressing some of the problems we face,' he said. According to Gorman, a top premier team, which he did not name, but it is Challenge Cup winners Glenmuir, did not field for its last game (against Trim Celtic) while in Div 1 a team was suspended, another withdrew and another had problems fielding. 'Maybe we need to address those questions to the players involved rather than targeting the hard-working club officials,' said Gorman. 'We might be surprised with the answers we get, but it might be a worthwhile exercise, perhaps the County Development Officers could be involved in this,' he suggested. This particular problem was addressed by a Navan Cosmos motion which proposed that a team failing to fulfil all their fixtures should be deducted six points at the start of the following season. 'We need to penalise clubs in a way that hurts the team and a six-point deduction will make a big statement,' stated Navan Cosmos official Eamonn Kelly. The motion was supported by Chord Celtic and was carried, almost unanimously, with only three clubs voting against the Navan Cosmos proposal. There was a big debate about a proposal from the MDL to reduce all divisions to 10 teams, but the motion was passed before some club delegates voiced their concerns about how the process would be implemented and how it would impact on clubs. Surprisingly, the debate went on for about 30 minutes after the motion was passed which was really a futile exercise The MDL also proposed an increase of €20 per team in affiliation fees, but this was rejected substantially by clubs. The requirements for the new season were outlined and there is likely to be a substantial change in the lower divisions due to the likely non-affiliation of some of last season"s club and some amalgamations. The most important development on that front is the amalgamation of Summerhill Celtic and Agher Park which will significantly strengthen the game around Summerhill, Dangan, Moynalvey and Agher. All application forms and appropriate fees must for the new season must be submitted by Tuesday, 30th June and registrations must be renewed by Tuesday, 11th August. One outgoing official, Noel Heeney, did not seek re-election. There were no new names put forward for membership of the committee. The following officers were elected: Chairman - John Gorman, vice-chairman - David Tully, secretary / treasurer - Gerry Gorman, fixtures secretary - Pat O"Brien, registrar - John O"Byrne, Hubert Powderly, Eugene Lynch, Brian Hayes, Jimmy Mangan, Angie Melia, Brendan McKeown, Vivan Kelly, Paddy Myles, Sean Farrell. Life Member - Donal Gaynor.