Aldi applies for store on O'Mahonys grounds

A planning application to construct a discount food store at the Navan O"Mahonys grounds at Brews Hill has been lodged with Navan Town Council. Aldi Stores (Ireland) Ltd is seeking permission for a single storey licensed food store with a gross floor area of 1,541sq metres and a net retail area of 1,125 sq metres on the site of 0.64 hectares at Brews Hill. The planning application from the German retailer also seeks permission for associated signage, including the erection of one free -tanding double-sided internally illuminated pole sign at the entrance to the site, one internally illuminated gable end sign and one internally illuminated sign at the store entrance, associated landscaping, boundary treatments to include the erection of a new two metre-high wall along the western and southern site boundary and removal of part of the existing site boundary wall along Brews Hill and its replacement with a 0.5m high wall and railing above it. A total of 114 car parking spaces are proposed, as well as 24 bicycle parking spaces. A new vehicular access is to be developed from the N51 (Brews Hill). The maximum height of the development will be approximately six metres. Navan O"Mahonys took the decision to offer part of their football grounds fronting onto Brews Hill for sale some time ago and the club plans to purchase land from the county board at the rear to their existing property, to compensate. Navan is one of the few large towns in the region that is not served by a discount food store. A previous application by Aldi to construct a store at the new Navan Retail Park at Knockumber, just off the Athboy Road, was refused planning permission by Meath County Council and this decision was subsequently upheld by an Bord Pleanala following an appeal. Just last month, Bord Pleanala ruled that the development would be contrary to proper planning and sustainable development of the area. The reasons given were that the retail planning guidelines for planning authorities issued by the Department of the Environment caution against out-of-town retailing of goods, other than bulky goods, and that the Navan Town Development Plan and Meath County Retail Strategy both seek to promote development within the town centre. In recent months, Aldi"s rival, German discount supermarket chain Lidl, was granted permission for a store at Trim Road, Navan, on a site adjacent to the former greyhound track, which is to be developed into a designer outlet. This Lidl store is expected to be up and running within the next 12 to 18 months. Meanwhile, Douglas Developments Ltd has lodged an application for a discount retail store at Blackwater Retail Park on the Kells Road in Navan. The proposed development includes the amalgamation and extension of units seven and eight for use as a retail discount store, sub-divisible in up to two units, new escape stairs and modifications to the existing car park layout and associated elevational signage.